Canon Printer error 853 how to fix?


One of the many issues that a Canon Printer faces is the Canon Printer error 853. This is a type of internal processing error where the printer is unable to read a large amount of pages. The causes can be many but it is mainly caused by the large data to be printed. Canon printers are one of the best printers. But just like other top printer brands, a Canon printer also suffers from a few minor errors. The errors are easily rectifiable and within minutes. So no need to think about such issues while getting yourself a Canon printer.

Causes of Canon Printer error 853

  • The size of the file to be printed is too large to print altogether. 

  • There are other items lined up in the queue to be printed and the printer cannot process such amounts of data.

  • Another cause of the Canon Printer error 853 popping up can be outdated drivers of the Printer. So the connection between the desktop and the printer faces disturbances. 

  • The firmware of the Printer needs an update. This can display the error while printing. 

  • Corrupt files in the desktop that affect the connectivity between the desktop and the printer. 

How to fix the Canon Printer error 853?

Follow some simple steps or troubleshoot to remedy this error for the time being.

  • Install the updated version of the Windows software you are using. Most of the time outdated softwares or drivers cause the Canon Printer error 853. Keep your system updated whenever possible to remedy the problem even before it appears. 

  • Update on the printer drivers as we already know that the system needs to stay updated. 

  • Check if there is a connection problem between the desktop and the printer. Fix all the connections before continuing with the solution.

  • Remove corrupt files from your system. Corrupted or harmful files do a lot of damage to the system software and can get in between printing procedures. 

  • Reduce the amount of prints you have given. If it is a large file, try dividing the pages to be printed into two or three parts. Thus the load reduces and might solve the issue.

How to update the printer drivers?

The solution that is most likely to do the job of rectifying Canon Printer error 853 is to update the printer drivers.

  • Firstly download UFR drivers from a valid source. There are many links from where you can do so.

  • Complete the installation process with your printer connected.

  • As soon as you complete your installation, check the settings according to the printer and your requirements to avoid further errors. Then try printing to check if the issue is resolved.


Summing up the solutions, it can be said that updating the software and drivers is most likely to deliver results. Another effective solution to the Canon Printer error 853 is to reduce the printing materials. For further errors caused, Excel Tech Guru is always available with all sorts of help.


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